Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Law Journal Social Media Accounts Have Been Opened
2024-2025 Academic Year Foreign Language(English)I-II Exemption Exam Results
UPDATED - 2024-2025 Foreign Language (English) I-II Exemption Exam Results (Except F. of Medicine)
For Students Placed in Our University with Additional Quota- Information about Foreign Language I-II
Information about Foreign Language I-II Exemption Exam
DBS and IMU-YS for Students Applying for Transfer, Double Major, and Minor Programs in 2024-2025
Voluntary English Preparatory Program Quota for 2024-2025 Academic Year
IMU012 Foreign Language (English) II Resit Exam
Young Arbitration Lawyers Conference
To the Attention of 1st Year Students Taking the Course IMU012 Foreign Language (English) II
To the Attention of Students Taking the Course IMU011 Foreign Language (English) I
IMU011 Foreign Language I (English) Midterm Exam Results
IMU011 Foreign Language (English) I ve IMU012 Foreign Language (English) II Exemption Exam
Attention to Students who Want to Take Another Elective Course Instead of the Failed Elective Course
2023-34 Academic Year Course Schedule
2023-24 Academic Calendar
UPDATE: IMU012 Foreign Language II (English) Resit Exam NEW Google Classroom Information
Academic Visit from Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), Indonesia
Academic Poster Presentation Event with Private Law Graduate Students
Istanbul Medenıyet University Faculty of Law Moot Court Practice: Ukraine-Russia Conflict
Visit to Türkiye Technology Team Foundation
Sixth Session of Research and Writing Techniques in Law Seminars
Artificial Intelligence Law Panel Was Held
Our University Development Law Society Held the "Legal Film Analysis" Event
A Conference on "The Relationship Between Law and Ethics" Was Held at Our University
The Seminar Titled “The Implementation of Divorce and the Dissolution of Property Regimes” Was Held.
The Moot Team, Established Under The Leadership of Our Student, Was Awarded The First Prize.
Istanbul Medeniyet University Criminal Law Symposium E-Book Has Been Released
The 5th Medical Law Congress was Held
The Symposium on Labor Law Issues from the Perspective of Civil Procedure Law Has Been Successfully
2024-2025 Academic Year Faculty Opening Lecture Held
The First Meeting of "Research and Writing Techniques in Law"
"Expectability in Criminal Law" by Asst. Prof. Şölen Çakıroğlu
"Artifical Intelligence and Democracy" by Res. Assist. Ayşenur Yazıcılar
Tax Interventions to Right to Property in terms of Legal Certainty " by Res. Assist. Ayşe Nur Yayla
“100th Anniversary of the Republic: Women” Confrence Was Held
A Talk on Fictional Case and Arbitration Competitions and Conducting Academic Studies Abroad
III. International Information and Technology Law Syposium
Lecture: The Role of UNIDROIT in Harmonising International Private and Commercial Law
An Overview of the European Union by Prof. Miguel Taboada Catalayud
Conference; Weaponised Trade
International Human Rights Youth Forum
Artificial Intelligence in Digital Economy from Legal, Policy, and Social Science Perspective
Internatıonal Symposıum On Current Issues Regardıng Cıvıl Procedure And Executıon And Bankruptcy Law
Turkish & Ukrainian Law Seminars
IV. International Medical Law Congress
IV. International Medical Law Congress Scientific Programme
IV. International Medical Law Congress Participation Details
Historical Development and Main Documents of Human Rights Law
The Development of the Judicial Appointment Process in Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey
Turkish Constitutional System: Development and Latest Issues
I. Law Student Conference on Child Law and Education Law
Seminar by Assoc. Prof. Murat Tümay
New Constitution Panel by Assoc. Prof. Murat Tümay
Law Summit by Our Students
Symposium on the 100th Anniversary of the Adoption of the 1921 Constitution