Faculty of Law


Asst. Prof.  Nurullah GÖRGEN

Coordinator of Bologna Coordination Commission

Asst. Prof. Nurullah GÖRGEN

E-Mail: nurullah.gorgen@medeniyet.edu.tr

Telephone: 216 2803333

Res. Asst.  Muhammed Yasir ÖZSOY

Distance Learning Coordinator

Res. Asst. Muhammed Yasir ÖZSOY

E-Mail: muhammedyasir.ozsoy@medeniyet.edu.tr

Telephone: 216 2803333

Lect. Dr.  Şule KARATAŞ

Erasmus Coordinator

Lect. Dr. Şule KARATAŞ

E-Mail: sule.karatas@medeniyet.edu.tr

Telephone: 216 2803333

Asst. Prof.  Dilek AYDEMİR

Coordinator of Farabi and Mevlana Exchange Programs

Asst. Prof. Dilek AYDEMİR

E-Mail: dilek.aydemir@medeniyet.edu.tr

Telephone: 216 2803333

Asst. Prof.  Seval KILIÇ

Website Manager

Asst. Prof. Seval KILIÇ

E-Mail: seval.kilic@medeniyet.edu.tr

Telephone: 2162803333 (4106)

Res. Asst.  Abdullah Talha SEVİNDİK

Website Manager

Res. Asst. Abdullah Talha SEVİNDİK

E-Mail: sevindik.atalha@gmail.com

Telephone: 216 2803333